Store Integration | Shopify

I have a Shopify Store, how do I connect it to my DPH account?

Store Integration: Shopify Store


Store Authentication

To connect your Shopify store to Deliveries PH using your Shopify keys:
1.      Go to
2.      Click Settings.
3.      Click Store Integration. The Store Integration modal will appear.

settings - store integration

4.      Click Add Shopify Store.

add shopify store

5.      Fill-out the required fields:
            a. Shopify Store URL

shopify store url
Sample of a Shopify Store URL

            b. Shopify API Key (API Key)
            c. Shopify Shared Secret (API Secret Key)

Sample of a Shopify API key & API secret key

            d. Shopify API Password (Admin API Access Token)

shopify api access token
Sample of the Admin API access token

6.      Click Next.

store authentication

Set Conditions

To set the conditions on what orders will be synced to your Deliveries PH account from your Shopify store:
7.      Set your desired conditions:
            a. Shopify Store: Shipping Method
            b. Shopify Store: Payment Method

set conditions

Note: There is NO limit on the conditions you like to add/set.

8.      Click Add Condition to add a new condition.

add condition

Note: You can click the "-" button to remove a condition.

remove condition

Note: The Conditions setup can be skipped by clicking the "-" button until all conditions are removed. Just take note that by removing the conditions, you are allowing ALL your Shopify orders to sync to your Deliveries PH account, which may not be suitable for every situation.

9.      Click Next.

Set Trigger

To set the trigger on when will your Shopify store orders will sync to your Deliveries PH account:
10.      Choose a Trigger event:
            a. Checkout
            b. Fulfilled
11. Click Connect.

Uninstall Store to DPH

To Uninstall your Shopify store to your Deliveries PH account, click Disconnect.

disconnect store
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