Meta Configuration | Settings

How do I add custom field/s that my customers can fill-out when they assign a post to me?

Meta Configuration
The Meta Configuration feature is useful for when you would want to setup or add other required fields for your Business/Provider Account that your partners could fill-out when they will create and assign a post to you in Deliveries PH.

Add a New Meta Field

To Access the Meta Configuration Settings:
1.      Click Settings.
2.      Click Meta Configuration.

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3.      Fill-out necessary fields:
            a. Field Type - Choose the field type (String, List, Dropdown).
            b. Key - Refers to the key that you will enter once you want to Delete this field in the future.
            c. Placeholder - Enter the field Title.
            d. Sample Value - Refers to the sample format for this field.
            e. Field Required - Click this if you want this field to be required.

4.      Click Add New Field.

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5.      Click Confirm.

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6.      The Meta Field created will now appear in the Fields section.

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Created Meta Fields will appear in Add New Post - Step 5 (Additional Details).

Update an Existing Meta Field

To Update Existing Meta Field/s:
1.      Click the Pencil icon of the Meta Field that you want to Edit.

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2.      Make the necessary changes.
3.      Click Update Field.

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4.      Click Confirm.

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Remove an Existing Meta Field

To Remove Existing Meta Field/s:
1.      Click the Trash icon of the Meta Field that you want to Delete.

delete meta field - 1

2.      Enter the Key for your field.
3.      Click Confirm.

delete meta config - 2
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