HTTP Post | Triggers

How do I receive status updates from Deliveries PH, to my system's API?

HTTP Post Trigger
To get updates on your delivery's status from your Deliveries PH Business/Provider Account to your connected Third-Party App, you could use the HTTP Post feature (Triggers).

Add a New HTTP Post Trigger

To Add a New HTTP Post Trigger:
1.      Click Settings.
2.      Click Triggers.

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3.      Click Add New Trigger.
Note: In the Triggers window, there are two window tabsMy Posts and My Opportunities. For Business Accounts, use the My Posts tab. For Provider Accounts, use the My Opportunities tab.
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4.   Fill-out the following fields:
      a. Trigger Type - Select HTTP Post.
      b. Trigger Title - Enter a Title for the trigger.
      c. Trigger Upon & Depends Upon - Choose the job status when the trigger will execute.
      d. Expiration - Enter for how many Minutes until the Trigger will expire.
      e. TagsCreate or add a trigger tag.
   fField & Token Choose a Field under the Field dropdown. Its corresponding Token will appear in the Token field and can be copied and pasted to the Body.
      gURL - Place here the Endpoint URL.
      h. Body - Place here the request body.

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Note: Turning On the PSGC Address Format Toggle will change the Address Format when selecting an Address-related Field under the Field section.

      Example: Standard - Imus City
                       PSGC Format - City of Imus
  1. Pre-request - Upon clicking this, Deliveries PH will send a request access to your system's API.
5.      Click Add.

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Update an Existing HTTP Post Trigger

To Update an Existing HTTP Post Trigger:
1.      Click the Pencil icon of the HTTP Post Trigger that you want to Edit.

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2.      Make the necessary changes.

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3.      Click Save.

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Remove an Existing HTTP Post Trigger

To Remove an Existing HTTP Post Trigger:
1.      Click the Trash icon of the HTTP Post Trigger that you want to Delete.

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2.      Click Confirm.

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Activate/Deactivate an Existing HTTP Post Trigger

To Activate/Deactivate an Existing HTTP Post Trigger:
Click the Toggle button beside the Trigger Title of the HTTP Post that you want to Activate/Deactivate.

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Arrange HTTP Post Trigger Order

To Arrange the Order of your HTTP Post Triggers:
Click and drag the Rearrange button beside the Toggle button. You can only rearrange the orders of the triggers with the same Notify By types.

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For more information, click here to view our HTTP Post Trigger video manual or play the video below:

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