Business Hours & Capacity | Settings

Where do I setup my business hours/days, and delivery capacity?

Business Hours and Capacity
For Deliveries PH Business Accounts, the Business Hours & Capacity feature could help setup when to receive notifications and how many deliveries can you accept in your Deliveries PH Account.

Setup Business Hours & Delivery Capacity

To Setup your Business Hours and Delivery Capacity:
1.      Click Settings.
2.      Click Business Hours & Capacity.

3.      Click Edit.

4.      Choose the sections that you want to Update in the Business Hours and Capacity modal.
            a. Time - Choose the start and end times when you want to receive orders/notifications. Earliest is "0:00" and Latest is "23:59".
            b. 24hrs (checkbox) - Click the box if you want to receive notifications for 24 hours in this particular day.
            c. Closed - Click the box if your Business is Closed in this particular day.
            d. Delivery Capacity - Enter how many deliveries you would want to accept in a particular day.
5.      Click Save.

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