Auto Re-attempt | Settings

How do I setup automated rebooking cycles for my on-demand job deliveries?

Auto Re-attempt
For Deliveries PH Business User, the Auto Re-attempt option can be used when selecting an On-Demand Provider (Adding a New Post). This is useful so you can set the Order/Sequence of your Providers in an Auto Re-attempt Cycle.

Auto Re-attempt Setup

To Setup your Auto Re-attempt Cycle/s:
1.    Click Settings.
2.    Click Auto Re-attempt.

auto re-attempt - 1

3.    Customize the following fields:
            a. Choose Provider – Choose your preferred Provider that you want the auto re-attempt to apply.

auto re-attempt - choose provider

            b. Add Provider – Select the same provider or other provider where you would want the next re-attempt to apply to.
            c. Duration per Sequence – Amount of time per provider to assign a driver. The Minimum is 3 minutes, and Maximum is 20 minutes.

auto re-attempt - add provider, add duration per sequence

Note: You could only add 5 providers per cycle. Click the Add New Cycle to make another one. If the providers in the first cycle failed to assign a driver within the given time, it will automatically proceed to the 2nd cycle.

auto re-attempt - 2
Once the Cycle reaches 5 providers, the 'Add Provider' button will now disappear

auto re-attempt - 3
Note: The duration is only adjustable in the first cycle. Next cycles will automatically adjust +2 minutes in every next cycle created.

auto re-attempt - 4

auto re-attempt - 5

4.    Click Save.

auto re-attempt - 6

Applying the Auto Re-attempt (Add New Job - Step 4)

5.      To create a post using the Auto Re-attempt, repeat the steps on how to Add New Post (On-Demand). You will see the Auto Re-attempt option at the Select Courier section (Step 4).

auto re-attempt - add post_1

auto re-attempt - add post_2

Note: To view your Auto Re-attempt Settings, at the Select Courier section, click the Auto Reattempt option then click View Cycle. The Auto Re-attempt window will appear, showing the number of cycles you created, the couriers per cycle, and their duration per sequence.
For more information, click here to view our Video Manual for Auto Re-attempt (Customer), or play the video below:

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